Big Babol

Big Babol. For an inflatable world. A workshop as an introduction to inflatable structures. Milano Bovisa, 13th of Aprile 2010, from 2pm to 6pm Simple, economic, with consistently impressive effects. We’ve been invited at Workshop at Compasso di Latta -[Tin Compasses], organized by NABA + Triennale di Milano presented during the Milan International Furniture Fair – […]

Urban Fields curated the just one night workshop “MySpace.IED” for Tutto in una notte 2009 at IED Istituto Europeo di Design in Rome, from 7.00 pm 15th to 7.00 am 16th May 2009
House like Myself

House like Myself An Inflatable Torus shape as a minumim space of existence Exploring a nomadic minimum space of existence (or a space of minimum existence ?) we decide to build up a 1:1 prototype: 25 people working 16 hours cutting and tapering almost 1.000 sqm of polyethilene sheets. 3rd december 2008 by: Daniele Mancini […]
My Journey to School

Bodygraphy. There are many different ways of telling my journey to school: I can trace my route on a map, I can write what I see along the way, I can get some pictures… what happen when the simultaneous cartographic description meets more narrative and discreete contents? Project by: Daniele Mancini and the students of […]
Please, Touch Me!

Please, Touch Me! Device for interactive communication in museums Workshop curated by UNPACKED for the Museography and Museology Class (M. Vittoria Marini Clarelli, A. Criconia) 2005-2006, First School of Architecture, Roma “La Sapienza” We’ve guided the students exploring different way to make the visitors experience more engaging through interactive devices most of the time low […]