Posts Tagged ‘Relational’

The Cow Project

The Cow Project

The Cow Project
UIA Pavillon, Torino, Italy

How can Architecture face the challenges of economical and social mega-trends due to fast and explosive worldwide changes of the last decades?

Project by: Andrea Cattabriga, Daniele Mancini and Irene Rinaldi with Bruno Losegno, Rachele Cacciani, Maria Gherardi.
Graphic by: Andrea Cattabriga

Prize: Honorable Mention at UIA Turin 2008



Fiera delle Idee
Piazza Palazzo di Citta, Torino, Italy
12-13 November 2004

The installation, made of a coloured scaffholding structures and several inflatable structures (CICCIO) was part of Ciccio Group’s and Cliostraat’s larger concept, which included placing booths beneath a canopy of colored lights – designed by the french artist Daniel Buren – in front of the town hall

Credits: Daniele Mancini (CICCIO Group), Francesca Sassaroli and Luca Poncellini (CLIOSTRAAT)